I have been spending way too much time on my website. The software I am using is so touchy that if I modify anything in the html at all, it will freak out and send everything back to default even after I have changed and saved things numerous times. But I am getting it done and that is what is most important.

Good news is that I do not have a fracture. Bad news is that I have tendonosis and a slight ankle sprain and some other incomprehensible verbage of strain, sprain, pull, and general wonkiness. Basically, several things are slightly screwed up, which translates to a whole bunch of exercises in my future.

So, I am upping the special exercises and he has given me and running out (figuratively) to buy orthotics and he approved me using an elliptical trainer. I am about to start researching which one to buy without spending as much as a car or a tropical vacation. Any suggestions? I want to buy one by the end of the month.

So for your enjoyment, I have pictures of my MRI. I had to pay for the disc, but it's my ankle damn it. I like the close up and distorted ones that you can't tell what it is; I think I see a series of paintings in my future.

ReplyDeleteI'm also looking for an elliptical machine just because I can't always make it to the "Y". I've been checking out reviews and cheap ones just don't cut it. On top of that Bette D. has been running up vet bills with her intestinal track problems.She is now on a prescription diet! Hope it works.
I have had many MRIs (hate them). A couple on my brain (yes , there is something in there!)but I've never thought to keep them....
I had to pay money to get a copy of my MRI, but I figured, hey, how often am I going to do this? (Hopefully not for a long, long time) Hope Bette is better!
ReplyDeleteAnd everything I am looking at elliptical wise is $1300 minimum, but I am still looking.
Uh, maybe this is this dumb but I was quite taken with the pictures from the MRI. I thought they were quite beautiful in a detached, creepy, scientific kind of way. You could print them, frame them and sell them to fund your elliptical. Really.