The first night at Artfest, in the Commons before dinner, everybody begins to trade like mad. I barely saw what I was trading, it was so crazy. I didn't even get a good look at everything until I got home and was able to lay everything out on the dining room table.
This little felted ball, from lovely Lori in Helena, Montana, is one of my favorites.
I was quite enamored by the several felted objects I received. Maybe because I don't felt, I think this is just the neatest thing on the planet.
This hand painted little gourd is pretty unique.
Lots of sweet little charms too.
This domino came in a bag with some papers for collage, but I just love the heft of this, you can tell it's old. About a third of the trades were materials for you to do your own thing with. I appreciate that.
I really, really liked this crow charm too. I am definitely going to be putting that on a necklace.
Far too many things to show, but my advice to any would-be Artfester is that is you had to pick between doing the Fat Book and the trades, do the trades! You get to meet all the people you exchange with on the trades, the Fat Book just shows up all done and you don't have any faces to connect to the pages. Plus, now I am even more inspired to work with these little goodies!
OMG...I'm so flattered! And man, you got a lot of cool stuff!!! I didn't get a gourd!