Saturday, August 27, 2011

Trying to Drink Sparkling Water the Eco-Friendly Way

We like to drink sparkling water at our house instead of cola or other expensive non-alcoholic beverages.  I usually buy the 2 Liter bottles of the lemon-lime sparkling water in the Fred Meyers brand.  But it is expensive over time and I hate having to recycle all those plastic bottles.  Now we can reuse 1 bottle over and over because we broke down and bought our own SodaStream!  Several of our friends use these and now we have jumped on the home soda bandwagon.
Our local gourmet grocery store carries them.  They make soda with a simple CO2 container that you can exchange back at the shop when you use it all up.  But one CO2 canister should last 60 liters. 

You fill the water container with cold tap water and then it takes about 3 seconds to carbonate the water and then, if you want, you can add any flavoring of your choice.  The regular flavorings work out to about 8 calories per glass of water.  You can buy diet flavors too and "natural" flavors as well. We were a little skeptical about the natural: they all contain fake flavors.  Just get over it, people! 

So far I have just had the lemon-lime, but it is tasty. 
We also bought some extra bottles so we can have them chilling in the fridge and then try out some of the other flavors.  If you like to drink sparkling water, this is probably worth the up front cost.  It doesn't have to plug in since it is powered by the CO2 canister so it doesn't have to be kept up on the counter.  Nice for entertaining too.  And you can use a lot of the flavors for mixing cocktails.  Who knew?  


  1. I first saw these in Germany about five years ago and I was all kinds of impressed. They are very cool.

    A friend gets hers at Bartells, by the way. Not sure if the price is different.

  2. We knew that they were at Bartell's but decided to support Met Market instead! Still loving it, four days later!
