So the other night, Wednesday, I was going to meet Trevor downtown at the New Frontier to watch Pecha Kucha (a sort of artist and designer meet and greet with slides) and have a drink but first I had to wait for UPS to show because we were expecting a shipment of wine from Walla Walla. And UPS insists someone over 21 be home to sign for it. A pain, really, as they said it was going to be delivered the day before and I waited around between 4 and 6:30 and it never showed up.
I had a couple of hours to kill and I didn't feel like doing anything productive like cleaning my office or working on our taxes. Instead, I decided to make a bead necklace to match the dress I was wearing that evening.
Not entirely sure if it is finished, but the wine showed up and I put it on and ran with it.
P.S. The wine shipment was from Otis Kenyon, we are members in their quarterly wine club, and man, if you like big juicy reds, they are worth tracking down and trying some. I think their Carmenere is on my top 10 list of most delicious wines I have ever tasted.
Gardening may get more interest as the snow melts.....sometime...... ..soon!