Thursday, December 29, 2011

When Your Eyes Are Bigger Than Your Stomach

What do you call it when you try to quickly make a little craft project that turns out to be a lot bigger and more time intensive than you thought it would be?  Your eyes are bigger than your craft?

Anyways, last week for our dinner party I made a hand painted table runner that turned out pretty neat. But it was not my original idea for a table runner.  I have a lot of felt fabric I bought way back to make felt flower pillows and I thought I would take the left overs and make some neat cut out designs.

I used a Sharpie to draw out the design and an Exact-o to cut it out.  Only it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r.  I couldn't find my blade cutting mat and so I used a wood drawing board.  Big mistake.  The wood dulls the blade quickly and gets little splintery bits of wood all over the fabric.  Also, the fabric is pretty stretchy so you have to hold it down very firmly when you cut.  Below is all that I had cut out after watching 2- 2 hour plus movies!  (I probably was watching the movies more than cutting, but still, it took a while.)  Since the dinner party was drawing so near and I was still so far away from completion, I set aside the project. 

However, I love how it looks and want to go back and finish it once I find my cutting mat.  I also like how the gray looks on top of the green and am wondering about stitching down the gray to an un-cutout piece of felt.  Lots and lots of possibilities and very simple to do!  Just get a good cutting mat and I think it I could find stiffer industrial felt it would be even easier.
So little time, too many things to do in this universe.

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