Saturday, September 17, 2011

Artist Trades

About a month ago I took part in a little sidewalk sale.  I didn't sell anything except one little barrette so the whole thing was rather a flop.

But I did make 2 important connections.

First, I met up the artist behind Glitter Mortis that led me to commission a portrait of Boba Fett.

Second, another artist walked up and said she liked my felted tweets and wondered if I would be open to a trade?  I said sure!  So I picked out this little Art E. Choke Portrait.  Cute, huh?  I love artichokes but I do feel like they fight against you a little as you try and eat them so I thought this image was fitting.  I am going to hang it in the kitchen of our new house, whenever that all happens.

Anyways, the artist's name is Krista Jefferson and her website is Wild and Whimsical

Check them both out! Happy Saturday!


  1. awesome glittermortis!! and cute little artichoke... where are you from?

  2. Tacoma, Washington! But the art show where I met both artists was in Seattle.
